John Hagee Biography, Age, Family, Wife, Kids, Church, Net Worth and Books

By | March 23, 2024

John Hagee Biography

Hagee, born in the US as John Charles Hagee, is a famous author, pastor, and televangelist.

Hagee had a different opinion in 2007 about the global warming, and he also claimed that he sees the Kyoto Protocol as a “conspiracy” focused on exploiting the economy of the US. Hagee said that he is convinced that Christians are ordered by the Bible to help the State of Israel. He is anti-abortion and no longer gives money to the Hadassah Medical Center of Israel when the procedure was given.

He is the CEO of John Hagee Ministries. He is also the founder and chairperson of Christians United for Israel, a Christian-Zionist organization. Hagee is politically active and is famous for his State of Israel activism. His remarks on Catholicism, Jews, and Islam, and the promotion of the prophecy of the blood moon, have also raised eyebrows.

How old is John Hagee?

He was born in 1940 in Baytown, Texas, United States. Hagee is 80 years old as of April 12th 2020.

John Hagee Family

Hagee was born in Goose Creek, Texas, the US to William Bethel Hagee and Vada Mildred Swick.

John Hagee Wife

He has had two marriages fist to Martha Downing from the year 1960 to 1975 and now to author Diana Castro Hagee. The two got married in 1976 in the USA. Diana was born on 5th March 1952 in San Antonio, Texas, United States.

John Hagee Children

He’s blessed with two children from his marriage with Martha; Christopher Hagee and Tish Hagee Tucker, who is a teacher at Cornerstone Christian School and has undergraduate degrees in journalism and Spanish as well a master’s degree in education. From his marriage with Diana, he has two children as well Sandy Hagee and Christina Hagee.

John Hagee Church

Starting 1966, Hagee began many churches in San Antonio, Texas, and each church outgrew its previous building, prompting him in 1987 to establish the Cornerstone Church.

John Hagee Net Worth

The cornerstone church author has a net worth estimated at $5 Million which he received from his work as an author and pastor.

John Political Views

Hagee spoke on behalf of Republican primary presidential candidate Alan Keyes in 1996 who lost the U.S. Senate Election for Barack Obama the year in 2004 in Illinois. Hagee proposed Senator John McCain in the 2008 presidential quest against Barack Obama. In the 2016 presidential election, Hagee proposed Donald Trump 2016. Several news outlets broke the news on October 5th 2020, that Hagee had contracted COVID-19.

In the latter’s unsuccessful bid for the Republican primary for the District 25 seat in the Texas Senate in 2002, Hagee proposed Conservative State Representative John Shields. Of 181 legislators in the houses of the Texas legislature, Hagee dubbed Shields’ opponent, incumbent Jeff Wentworth, “the most pro-abortion.

John Hagee Career

The year 1966 in San Antonio, Texas, Hagee had come up with a series of churches and each of them grew their former structures to create the Cornerstone Church in 1987. Hagee has organised “A Night to Honor Israel” happenings since 1981 in San Antonio, due to an Operation Opera, to demonstrate unity for the State of Israel. On 7th February 2006, Christians United For Israel were founded by Hagee and 400 leaders in Christian and Jewish communities (CUFI). This lobbies US Congressmen, taking a biblical position to sponsor Christian Zionism.

He was received threats against his life on behalf of the State of Israel and employed bodyguards for security for his advocacy around that time.

Hagee was the major contributor of finance for the Israeli Zionist party Im Tirtzu, up to 2013.

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